Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Do whatever the fuck makes you happy.

Society has probably got you to believe you should always wait for a boy to text you first. Society has probably got you to believe a boy should always ask you out.

Society is fucked up.

You're a strong, powerful, beautiful and independent women. You do not need to wait for anything or anyone. Want something? Go get it.

We are part of a generation who are changing the world. We are growing up believing everyone is equal. Every single one of you. You are just as good as everyone else and don't for even a second think otherwise.

If you want to compete in a sport that is considered to be for 'boys' you go and prove them wrong. You fucking go.

Want to take a subject that is considered more 'for boys'? You fucking go.

This isn't just about girls that can do the same as boys It's also the other way. For example 'textiles' is often seen as a girls subject but if you're a boy and you are interested in doing it. You fucking go. I'm quite frankly jealous that you have the talent and motivation to take textiles.

Do whatever makes you happy and if anyone disagrees with you prove how wrong they are. They're not worth your time. 90% of the time they ave o idea what they're talking about so maybe just talk to them about how wrong they are.

Do whatever makes you happy. Just get yourself out there. Take risks and enjoy yourself. You fucking go. 


  1. amazing post! loved the message you were promoting! x
    ~ basicallychloe x
    Don't forget to smile! :) ~ x
    www.basicallychloeblog.blogspot.com ☆

    1. Thankyou for commenting! I hope it can help at least one person.


  2. Replies
    1. Thankyou! I just want to promote feminism/equality more on this blog as I believe it's what younger girls need.

  3. I REALLY LOVED THIS POST!!! It made me laugh at some point too. It is also so motavational

    girl obsessed xx

    1. Thankyou! want to get the message across in a style that can appeal to everyone but especially teenagers.

  4. I REALLY LOVED THIS POST!!! It made me laugh at some point too. It is also so motavational

    girl obsessed xx
